Endorsing Organizations
Resilient Denver | Weise Consulting | SmogFree Denver
Unite North Metro Denver | Estes Valley Clean Energy Coalition | Save the Aurora Reservoir
Wind and Solar Denver | The Alliance for Collective Action: Coalition for a Regenerative Future | Labor Network for Sustainability
Honeycomb Strategies | Energy Should Be | Colorado Coalition for a Livable Climate, with 43 member organizations
Current and Former Elected Officials:
Aaron Brockett, Mayor, City of Boulder | Karen Wagner, former Larimer County Commissioner | Geoff Grimmer, Town of Eagle Councilmember
Judy Amabile, Colorado State Rep. HD 49 | Renée Millard-Chacon, Commerce City Council Womxn | Elyse Hottel, Basalt Town Councilor
Ashley Stolzmann, Boulder County Commissioner | John Clark, Mayor, Town of Ridgway | Tanya Mercer-Daty, Trustee, Town of Lyons
Anne Brown, District 1, County Commissioner, San Miguel County | Crystal Gray, Former Deputy Mayor Boulder City Council
Nicole Speer, City of Boulder Councilmember Mayoral Candidate | Francie Jacober, Pitkin County Commissioner
Paloma Delgadillo, Ward 2 Council Member, Broomfield | Jacki Marsh, Mayor, City of Loveland
Julie Pignataro, Fort Collins City Council, District 2
Groups of Endorsers for Phasing Out Fracking
Quotes from endorsers

Renée Millard-Chacon
Womxn from the Mountain, Commerce City Council Womxn
“Our window to protect future generations is open now to act with justice and accountability to address environmental racism and heal our Biosphere.”
Jamie Valdez
Colorado Community Organizer, Mothers Out Front, Pueblo
“The continued extraction and burning of fossil fuels contributes to climate change, environmental degradation, and impacts on the health of families throughout Colorado.
Mothers Out Front-Colorado is proud to support this initiative because it seeks to protect our air, water, and land as well as the health and safety of our children and families while also providing assistance to the workers and communities likely to be most affected by phasing out new permits for oil & gas development.
It’s time we prioritize our communities and future generations by working toward a just transition to renewable energy sources and a livable climate for all!”

Patricia Garcia-Nelson
Parent, activist, organizer with GreenLatinos, frontline community member
“Time is running out to make meaningful change, we are taking action as an act of survival,” said Garcia-Nelson. “We have a responsibility to protect our water, land, and air. Our children and future generations deserve a Colorado where they can thrive. A phase out of oil & gas permitting will protect our communities and prevent further harm. We cannot be afraid of a fossil fuel free future.”
Bill McKibben Author and founder of 350.org
“Safe & Healthy Colorado’s initiative to phase out new oil and gas permits by 2030 is exactly the kind of action needed to heed the call of scientists around the world telling us we must rapidly transition off fossil fuels to keep global temperature rise below 1.5C! I encourage everyone to pitch in and support this historic effort.”

"The science is clear. If we want a livable planet, we must stop producing and burning fossil fuels. Workers and communities should be helped with the transition, but we can no longer pollute our air and threaten the livability of the planet for future generations."
— Leslie Glustrom, Clean Energy Action

Aaron Brockett
Mayor, City of Boulder
“Boulder has always been a leader in climate action, and we recognize the urgency of reducing fossil fuel use and moving to a renewable energy economy, while also making dramatic improvements in our air quality. Phasing out fracking in Colorado is a critical part of achieving these goals, which is why I am supporting this important ballot initiative.”
Dar-Lon Chang
Ex-oil and gas researcher, current Director of New Product Development at GeoSolar Technologies
“I was a research engineer for ExxonMobil from 2003 to 2019, and I quit because I was not seeing a good faith effort to help an energy transition away from limited and dangerous fossil fuels.
Instead, management was focusing the skills and talents of my colleagues and me on locking the world into dependence on fossil fuels for several decades when hard evidence indicates that fossil fuels would become unaffordable not only in price and health impacts in those decades but also in consequences from a runaway climate crisis.
Moreover, ExxonMobil was leading the oil and gas industry in misleading the public and policymakers with disinformation contrary to its own internal findings about the devastating consequences of the continued growth of fossil fuel use.
I know from personal experience that fossil fuel companies will resist, obstruct, and fight the necessary transition to a clean, renewable energy future. Knowing this, I believe that policy is urgently needed to transition oil and gas workers to clean energy jobs while phasing out new oil and gas permits by 2030.”

Scott Simmons
Climate Reality Project NoCo
“My daughter cannot play outside at my house due to the close proximity of fracking — enough is enough — stop this fracking!”
Heidi Leathwood
Climate Policy Analyst at 350 Colorado
“Colorado can be a leader in a clean energy economy, and we can clean up our air and water, but we can’t do that while continuing to give out thousands of new oil and gas permits. We’re producing far more oil and gas than we need here in state, giving massive profits to oil and gas companies while they make us pay with our health and environment. This ballot initiative is a chance for the public to take control and move our state toward the clean energy future we deserve.”
Heidi’s 2nd career as a climate policy analyst began partly as a result of unsuccessful efforts to protect her mother’s Greeley neighborhood from residential fracking.

Olga Gonzalez
Executive Director, Cultivando
“Our children should not be sacrificed for the sake of cheaper gasoline.“
Moshe Kornfeld
Colorado Jewish Climate Action
“We are in the midst of an existential planetary crisis that requires us to keep carbon in the ground. We at Colorado Jewish Climate Action are inspired by Jewish tradition that demands that we engage in tikkun olam, in actions that repair the world. This ballot initiative leverages the people’s power to do the bold, sacred, and absolutely necessary work we need to do in order to create a just and livable future.”

"What I want for my kids, for all of our kids, is clean air, clean water and a thriving future on a livable planet. To make this dream a reality, and for Colorado to continue leading in the green economy, we need to say goodbye to 20th century energy production. This ballot initiative is a step toward the future that Coloradans need and that our kids deserve."
— Kate Christensen, Together Against Neighborhood Drilling
Paul Culnan
Retired computer programmer, Boulder, CO resident, activist
“I know that climate scientists and the IPCC have been informing us for decades that we need to stop burning fossil fuels, and the message has only become clearer each year. Every fraction of a degree of heating matters. The fossil fuel industry has a grip on our society in order to make incredible amounts of money while, as a direct result, people are suffering and dying from the pollution and GHG emissions of extracting, processing, and burning of fossil fuels. This is a systemic problem that needs systemic solutions. Phasing out of new permitting of O&G operations by 2030 is essential.”

Jeremy Nichols
Climate and Energy Program Director, WildEarth Guardians
“It’s a simple truth that we can’t safeguard our climate while still allowing unchecked fossil fuel extraction. While Colorado has led the charge to reduce greenhouse gases, unfortunately this progress has been tarnished by the state’s unwillingness to confront the oil and gas industry. This initiative reflects the reality that we have to rein in drilling and fracking to truly reduce greenhouse gases, protect people and communities, and defend our future generations.”
Amy Grey
Senior Climate Finance Strategist at Stand.earth
“This ballot initiative is vitally important, especially in our commitment to climate justice. Structural racism and systemic inequalities are woven throughout the climate emergency, and people who bear the greatest toxic burdens are low-income communities and communities of color. Our planet just cannot afford any more stalling tactics, frontline communities just can’t wait. Colorado will set the standard with this and become a beacon of hope for our planet.”

Jerry Tinianow
Western Urban Sustainability Advisors, LLC, Former Chief Sustainability Officer of Denver
“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that global emissions of greenhouse gases must peak by 2025 and then decline 60% by 2035. If we are to take this assessment seriously, fracking has no place in Colorado after 2030. The world is already on course to blow through its carbon budget. Colorado should lead international efforts to get back on track.”
“The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that the world must rapidly move away from 'fossil fuels — the number one cause of the climate crisis.,' in part by reducing methane emissions by at least "a third." The health effects of methane fracking include cancer, cardiovascular disease, asthma, birth defects, and more We must formally transition away from fossil fuels and fracking immediately.”
— Harv Teitelbaum, PSR-Colorado Board Co-chair
Chuck Kutscher
Dr. Kutscher has spent his career as a researcher, manager, teacher, and speaker specializing in renewable energy and climate change solutions. He is lead author of the college textbook, Principles of Sustainable Energy Systems.
“Two decades ago, Colorado citizens led the nation by passing a ballot measure that put us on the path to a clean electric grid. Now, we’re at it again with a new initiative that will finally transition us off fossil fuels—the root cause of climate change.”
Beth Hendrix
Executive Director, League of Women Voters of Colorado
“The League of Women Voters of Colorado supports Ballot Initiatives #46 and #47 because fracking is a poor long term solution to our energy needs. We believe energy development projects in Colorado should be environmentally sound and follow all federal and state environmental laws.
The League supports an interrelated approach, including energy conservation, air pollution controls, building resilience, and promotion of renewable resources, is necessary to protect public health and defend the overall integrity of the global ecosystem. We believe this strategy will lead to the wise use of Colorado’s energy resources.
The League of Women Voters of Colorado supports Ballot Initiatives #46 and #47 which will promote a clean and healthy environment, consider quality of life, and provide the greatest benefit to the greatest number of Coloradans, present and future.”
Karen Wagner
former Larimer County Commissioner
“When politicians fail, the public steps up! That’s Democracy at it’s best. Public health and safety always come before polluter profits.”
“I stand with the many young parents, minority community members, Indigenous tribal members and climate activists who have been testifying and raising awareness that it is time to curtail fossil fuels. Enough is enough and Colorado has plenty of approved gas wells that have never been drilled. Now is the time to take action!”
— Crystal Gray, Former Deputy Mayor Boulder City Council